Petrous bone sampling in clean room laboratory.

Professorship for Microbiome Sciences

Prof. Dr Christina Warinner
Petrous bone sampling in clean room laboratory.
Image: Antje Wissgott
Christina Warinner, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Portrait Prof. Christina Warinner.
Image: © Werner Siemens Foundation, Felix Wey

Prof. Warinner is not only head of the Professorship for Microbiome Sciences at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, she also leads the group Microbiome SciencesExternal link at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, she is Associate Professor of AnthropologyExternal link at the Harvard University and she is associated with the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Leibniz-HKI) with the research unit ArcheogeneticsExternal link.

  • Work in clean room laboratory.
    Work in clean room laboratory.
    Image: Holger John
  • Petrous bone sampling in clean room laboratory.
    Petrous bone sampling in clean room laboratory.
    Image: Antje Wissgott
  • Archaeogenetics clean room.
    Archaeogenetics clean room.
    Image: Lena Götze
  • Preparation of ancient DNA.
    Preparation of ancient DNA.
    Image: Guido Brandt